AXIS Approved to Launch Lloyd’s Managing Agency


AXIS recently received regulatory approval from Lloyd’s, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to launch its own Lloyd’s Managing Agency that will assume the management of the AXIS Syndicate 1686 from Asta Managing Agency Limited. This change will result in a newly formed organization – AXIS Managing Agency Limited.

This change will allow AXIS to more efficiently manage its Lloyd’s operations, take full advantage of Lloyd’s worldwide licenses and extensive distribution network, and eventually offer enhanced capabilities and capacity across all specialist classes that AXIS underwrites out of Lloyd’s.

The launch of the AXIS Managing Agency does not impact the way AXIS conducts business out of its Miami location. Your point of contact with AXIS remains the same, and it will continue to offer and provide the same services that are currently available to their partners.

AXIS is very excited to strengthen its direct relationship with Lloyd’s and looks forward to enhancing its capabilities in the future.

Please feel free to contact the AXIS Miami team with any questions regarding AXIS’ managing agency at Lloyd’s. AXIS appreciates its partners’ continued support of its efforts in the LAC market and looks forward to continuing its relationship as it expands.

More information can be found in the accompanying press release.

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Insurance Professionals Meetings in Miami is an insurance and reinsurance forum useful for professionals of the insurance sector and to share experiences, knowledge and expertise.
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